
Salt & Flour

Salt & Flour are a new bespoke food company that has been bred out of the Covid-119 Pandemic, they intend to supply Sough Dough Bread and Salt Beef to a small local area. The client wanted a simple roundel design that they could use in black and white… Read More

Bang and Burger


Bang and Burger are a local start up company that produce high-end Burgers from a distinctive converted horse box. Apart from designing the distinctive logo we also produced a themed menu and signage.

Alpha Grip

Alpha Grip have a very unique USP, they are one of the very few companies that provide the vehicles and mounts for the cameras on high grossing productions like James Bond and Game of Thrones etc. Our brief was to develop a new logo but the client then… Read More

Top Banana Nursery

Top Banana are a Sevenoaks/Kent based Nursery, our brief was to develop the logo from their original logo, to update and but still keep ‘feel’ of their original which many people would already know. We were then commissioned to create a new website that would allow them to… Read More



A simple CI for a Fly Fishing supplier, the brief was more about the ‘style’ of the fish and once the client had agreed which one of the three graphic versions we had drawn, the final logo was produced.

Hell of the Ashdown

Hell of the Ashdown

The ‘Hell of the Ashdown’ is probably the biggest and most well known Cycle Sportive in the South of England. This is a very complex project and required a lot of planning. Some 1500 riders enter and pay for the event in advance over a 48 hr period, the… Read More

Ooto (Capita)


A very unique project for Capita. Capita are a very large UK based plc company with offshoots in many industries, this project entitled ‘Ooto’ was a division of the Evolvi corporate rail travel business. The brief was to develop a individual branding name with a strong identity that… Read More

Smile Group Travel

Smile Group

Work for Smile Travel, a division of South Quay & CMV Voyages (which we also designed the logo). We produced various print items and also ran a colour test on print as the client wanted to get the closest colour to their RGB logo in CMYK reproduction. We… Read More



A series of promotional posters for a London based adult shop

ING Bank


We were commissioned by a large London financial advertising agency to handle the worldwide, yes worldwide, advertising for ING a Dutch Bank, the had taken over Barings. The simple looking adverts had to have an identical look for adverts appearing in over 30 countries around the world in… Read More